TC 008: Pregnancy and birth – magic and miracles!

Suzy Ashworth, founder of the Calm Birth School talks with us about giving yourself permission to focus on pregnancy and birth in a world that is concerned with results and what happens next. And why this focus is so important and so unique for each woman.


In this episode you learn:
  • How fear keeps us distracted from our awesomeness
  • Why research is important in every aspect of our lives
  • The need to remove the words “best” and “wrong” from the birth world
  • How the Calm Birth School became the first video Hypnobirthing course

Suzy Ashworth, founder of the Calm Birth School on The Cord podcast about how hard it can be to focus on pregnancy and birth in a world that is concerned with results and what happens next.

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Share how you overcame distraction and realized your awesomeness.

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