TC 015 Letting go: Choices I didn’t know mattered with Ellie Scarborough Brett
Moms are the real experts when it comes to pregnancy, birth, postpartum and parenting.
Ellie Scarborough Brett, a former broadcast journalist for NBC and founder of Media Bombshell didn’t realize that “letting go” would be such a theme in parenting.
Ellie shares her powerful birth story with us – a story of making choices and letting go of choices. A story of practicing for parenthood by learning to let go.
In this episode you learn:
- Why having your birth preferences in writing is a great idea
- The importance of postpartum support for the whole family
- How doulas can support you in pregnancy, birth and postpartum
- Why being a mom is good for your business (cross-over skills!!!)
In the comments:
What choices did you make or let go of in pregnancy, birth and postpartum?
Resources From This Episode
Debra Pascali-Bonaro
Ellie’s team of doulas
The Calm Moms Collaboration on Facebook
@AmyNeuhedel on Periscope TV@AmyNeuhedel
“I’m beginning to perceive motherhood as a long slow letting go of which birth is just the first step.” – Sandra Steingraber
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