TC 018 Delayed and optimal cord clamping: For your newborn’s long term health
Waiting to clamp your baby’s cord is not a delay, it is appropriate care.
We often hear about the importance of making and having choices in birth. But sometimes we are unaware that there is even a choice to make. In this episode we are talking about a choice that some moms may not think about if it’s not highlighted.
We are talking about delayed and optimal cord clamping.
Hannah Tizard is a student midwife and founder of the Blood To Baby campaign which is bringing global awareness to the need for baby to have all it’s blood.
In this episode you learn:
- What is optimal vs. delayed cord clamping
- What does the umbilical cord do
- How the timing of clamping impacts your newborn’s long term health
- Why you need to have a plan
In the comments:
Were you rushed to clamp after your baby was born?
Resources From This Episode
“We must be very clear. This blood is not CORD blood, it is BABY blood. When we ask mothers to give away cord blood, they are under an illusion. This blood belongs to the BABY, not the umbilical cord.” – Robin Lim
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Thank you Amy for having Hannah on to talk in her amazingly expert manner about optimal cord clamping! She covered so much more of what happens with the cord than one actually hears.
Great interview!
So glad you enjoyed it Karen! We just can’t talk about this topic enough. Up soon, my friend and mentor Robin Lim :-).
Hi Karen,
Thank you so much for sharing your comment. It’s wonderful to hear this feedback. I was a little nervous that I hadn’t offered anything different or tangible. I’m glad to hear the information has been useful. All the best in your onward journey. Hannah
It is the baby’s placenta. It is not the mother’s placenta. She had her placenta when she was a baby. Synthetic oxytocin interferes with the mothers hormonal balance. Clamping began when mothers were heavily drugged in the 40’s and 50’s and the babies were born heavily drugged and were held upside down by the ankles and hit to make them breath. Horrific! The amount of blood from the prematurely cut cord caused a lot blood on the linen and so clamping was introduced to save the linen. This is an atrocious situation that has been created by the doctors. There is actually no such thing as ‘cord blood’
When a baby receives its full placental transfusion, which delivers an additional 30-50% of blood to its vital organs immediately after birth, the cord is flat with no blood in it. There is no need to clamp. It simple needs cutting and tying with something like dental floss.
‘Cord blood’ is the creation of premature cord cutting. This is an obstetric ritual that deprives the baby 30-50% of its total blood volume containing stem cells, iron, oxygen and other vital nutrients needed by the infant to transition to air breathing and life outside the womb.
The baby is actually subjected to a massive haemorrhage.
Recent trials have shown dramatic improvements for premature babies whose cords were cut as small a time as one minute after birth. If they babies were left with their placentas their major organ for life, outcomes would improve even more.
The industry of cord blood collection and storage costing gullible parents millions of dollars per year is an absolute sham. It is truly blood money.
The impact on the mother’s womb from the resulting implosion when the delivery of the placental transfusion is aborted is unknown. Interference in the organism’s integrity always has residual impact just as its full expression results in feelings of self-confidence and wellness.
Hi Rachana! Thank you for listening. Your site is beautiful. That is amazing about the saving the linens! Thank you for sharing that. The good news is my podcasts and blogs about the baby’s cord and blood get the most shares. You may have seen these already: and Let’s keep spreading the word!