by Amy Neuhedel | Apr 5, 2016 | Growing and birthing your baby, The Podcast
TC 023 Gabriella: The birth and breastfeeding of a premature baby Mariana Ruiz was literally upside down at 10 cm for 10 hours waiting to give her premature baby another steroid shot to mature her young lungs. Waiting to be allowed to push, toggling between guilt for...
by Amy Neuhedel | Mar 2, 2016 | The Podcast
TC 022 Men, love and birth with midwife Mark Harris Men in the birth room. What exactly are these dads supposed to do to help childbirth along? Connect to her! Connect to the woman they love. Be there for her. Be present for her. It starts during pregnancy. It can...
by Amy Neuhedel | Feb 16, 2016 | Growing and birthing your baby, The Podcast
TC 021 Homebirth cesarean: Learning to love a birth story. With Gina Giordano. Birth usually goes differently than we imagined. And sometimes our own birth stories can be difficult to love. Like for the doula whose story includes a homebirth cesarean. Gina Giordano is...
by Amy Neuhedel | Feb 9, 2016 | A conscious life with littles, The Podcast
TC 020 Motherhood, healing and connection. A conversation with midwife Robin Lim at the Midwifery Today Conference What drives us to do what we do? How do we get it all done? What about when it feels impossible? Or like it didn’t go as we had planned? Robin...
by Amy Neuhedel | Feb 2, 2016 | The Podcast
TC 019 A UK homebirth with an independent midwife Every woman needs to comfortable with her decision. That is what gives her the optimal experience for just her. Laura Husson, mom to 2, online business architect and strategist, shares with us her process of making the...
by Amy Neuhedel | Jan 26, 2016 | The Podcast
TC 018 Delayed and optimal cord clamping: For your newborn’s long term health Waiting to clamp your baby’s cord is not a delay, it is appropriate care. We often hear about the importance of making and having choices in birth. But sometimes we are unaware that...