Three tips to get back to school in groove.
The birthing year is a year and parenting is forever.
The key to a smooth morning is YOU!
Here are a few tips.
Clothes out the night before!
Yours and theirs! This seems so obvious and we’ve all heard it a hundred times but it seems to not get done. There I am three mornings a week tearing through laundry baskets looking for “the turquiose pants with the star by the pocket” or “a cool T-shirt”. Matching socks? We have given up.
Skip the snooze button!
Those five or ten minutes “extra” you lay in bed could be exactly the five or ten minutes you need to get out the door smoothly.
Do something for you!
With those extra minutes you didn’t snooze, do something for you. A quiet cup of coffee, meditation, reading the paper. Whatever you need to fill-up your tank before the morning onslaught begins. Personally my ideal routine is nearly 90 minutes including getting ready and having breakfast on the table before I wake the kids. I’ll outline that for you in another post :-).
So hard to not hit snooze! But getting up and being ready yourself has made all the difference to my mornings – and it really pays off once they are bigger. My daughter was always awake by 5:30am so getting up earlier wasn’t really an option, but now I’m trying to drag a teen out of bed, sometimes I wish for those crazy bouncy mornings!
Thanks for your comment Alice. I’ll be present in these crazy bouncy mornings :-).