I love breastfeeding my kids.

I’ve been doing it for over six years and in my opinion it makes everything easier.

I have gotten some questions about latch lately and I know there’s more where that came from. Time to curate some resources for you!

Patience and Support = Wins for Baby and Mom

You do all that work birthing your baby, it seems fair that breastfeeding could be easy. Breastfeeding is more than a full time job and it requires patience.

Patience from mom and patience (and support!) from the rest of her family. And breastfeeding requires determination.

The wins?

We know the wins for baby: breastfed babies are healthier, smarter and sleep better (just to name a few).

But there are wins for moms too!

Beyond the convenience and better sleep (all that oxytocin!), moms who breastfeed are healthier and have a reduced risk of cancer. Source.

So let’s get you hooked up. Or rather get baby “hooked on”.

Sometimes breastfeeding is really smooth.

Sometimes there are some barriers (problems latching, stress, post surgery pain and exhaustion.)

But in the vast majority of cases, barriers to breastfeeding can be overcome – with the above mentioned, patience, support and determination.  

The most important thing to do is … r e l a x.

Below is a fantastic graphic of just how big baby’s tummy is (click the image to enlarge). So baby can’t take too much milk at one time. You can do this!

A newborn's stomach      Every drop of my milk is gold to my baby. (a tweetable affirmation to share with your community! I’m loving Twitter.)






Some of the mightiest resources out there about establishing a latch!

First read this one. Success stories!

Then this one from Le Leche League and this one from Breastfeeding USA about biological nurturing (laid back breastfeeding).

And these videos:

This a quickie and this is the first in a series of seven videos about position and latch.

And finally this is an incredible source of information! I love kellymom.com.

My glorious go-to breastfeeding books

Breastfeeding Made Simple

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding

Problems with your latch? Here's some resources. Every drop of your milk is gold to your baby.

Good luck! What has worked for you? Please share. I LOVE success stories. And l’ll start shouting them out on the CORD talk show, premiering in Fall.
I have upcoming workshops in Stockholm (click here for more info) August 29-30, and November 21-22, 2015.
And I’m doing doula consultations for Fall/Winter births 2015. Contact me here. I’m honored to support you.